
Using weightlifting to improve powerlifting

Eric Brown (@oracleofihop) and Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) Few lifts have the complexity – and generate the controversy – as the snatch and clean. Included in the Olympics since 1896, they have been the basis for many strength and conditioning programs at both the collegiate and professional levels. The quick lifts have any number of benefits […]

Using weightlifting to improve powerlifting Read More »

The little things and the big things: the hand break and the three digit kilo squat

It has been 69 days since I was released from the hospital with the prediction that I would never lift again and prescriptions to wear a rigid corset for six months, in total immobilization, no bending of the torso and obviously no lifting or exercising at all. As is well known, I benched 5 days

The little things and the big things: the hand break and the three digit kilo squat Read More »

Strength and Martial Arts: intertwined histories

Today I taught a class at Tracer, a Parkour facility owned by my friend Jean. I talked about the intertwined histories of the strength and martial arts – also known, today, as strength sports and combat sports. The whole argument is simple but provocative. Both arts share a common origin: endemic war. The first manifestations

Strength and Martial Arts: intertwined histories Read More »

The bar is loaded: are you ready? Talent, preparation and competitive readiness

Have you ever seen that guy who lifts easy 700lbs (whatever the lift, this is hypothetical) at the gym or in videos and just bombs out with 600lbs at the meet? Does it again at another meet? You know him, you know his training is good and well planned, he’s pretty strong, his nutrition was

The bar is loaded: are you ready? Talent, preparation and competitive readiness Read More »

Powerlifting Watch: the need for an ecumenical space for a multi-federation Sport

  Powerlifting is a multi-federation sport. That means it has multiple governing or sanctioning bodies. While this is an inevitable trend (and, as I argue, a healthy one) in non-Olympic sports, the existence of a neutral, ecumenical space is important to preserve the sport itself, to promote critical decision making by members of the community

Powerlifting Watch: the need for an ecumenical space for a multi-federation Sport Read More »

MHC* to the series of “Squat Truths”

There is no such thing as a half squat just as there are no half-pregnant women or half-dead people The relation between a Smith Machine and an Olympic bar and squat rack is the same as that between a coffin and a bed Squatting prevents almost any illness and cures most of them. The ones

MHC* to the series of “Squat Truths” Read More »

Segurança em sala de musculação: o piso

Aí vai mais um pedacinho do futuro e-book sobre Segurança em Sala de Musculação – um tira-gosto. Escorregar enquanto manipulando objeto pesado é das piores coisas que pode acontecer a alguém numa sala de pesos. O piso é, portanto, um dos primeiros itens de segurança.   Há pouco tempo eu dei um curso em uma

Segurança em sala de musculação: o piso Read More »

Segurança em sala de pesos

Introdução Você já ouviu falar que treinamento com pesos, treinamento de força ou o que o pessoal chama de musculação é extremamente seguro, aposto. Podemos assegurar a você: é das coisas mais seguras que você pode fazer com seu corpo. A taxa de acidentes e lesões causadas por treinamento de força (não competitivo) é menor

Segurança em sala de pesos Read More »

Informações iniciais sobre o CURSO DE LEVANTAMENTOS DE PESO- MÓDULO I (Joel Fridman e Marília Coutinho)

LEVANTAMENTOS DE PESO MÓDULO I – CURSO BÁSICO DE FORÇA E POTÊNCIA APLICADA – 18 e 19 de agosto e Público: profissionais da atividade física e atletas que queiram aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os levantamentos / sua modalidade. Leia mais abaixo das informações de local, data e conteúdo.   Data: 18 e 19 de agosto

Informações iniciais sobre o CURSO DE LEVANTAMENTOS DE PESO- MÓDULO I (Joel Fridman e Marília Coutinho) Read More »

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