treinamento de força

Raw and Equipped, Deads and Lockouts

Having made my point that all forms of the art are equally legitimate, interesting and honorable, I guess it’s time to understand how different they are. Actually, this is just part of a much more complicated discussion, which is that each alteration done to a lift performed with a barbell produces a new lift, a […]

Raw and Equipped, Deads and Lockouts Read More »

High volume training: does it have any place in our training program?

I have 11 training weeks until my first and very important powerlifting championship of the (new) year (the 2013 NAPR International Open). If there is something I have learned from a lot of reading about periodization and training strategy, plus much observation, is that the controversy will probably go on for a while. I might

High volume training: does it have any place in our training program? Read More »

Treinamento baseado no Strongman e treinamento de atletas de Strongman: entenda a diferença

Existem vários artigos muito bons sobre “treinamento de strongman” (todos em inglês, é claro). No entanto, quase todos eles se referem a um treinamento baseado no esporte Strongman ou utilizando o repertório de exercícios e movimentos do mesmo. Qual a diferença? O Strongman é um esporte caracterizado pela multiplicidade de expressões da força e de

Treinamento baseado no Strongman e treinamento de atletas de Strongman: entenda a diferença Read More »

The two little boys, gender stereotypes and strength sports

I usually workout either alone or with my buddies at my home gym, known as “the powerhouse” by my friends. That day, however, I was at Crossfit Brasil with two other people, doing weightlifts. The door was open and two little boys, around ten years old, came in. They were poor children, part of the

The two little boys, gender stereotypes and strength sports Read More »

A comment on Dan Ariely: illegal downloads, doping and how the transgressor represents himself

(blazer men: read the post) This is a comment on Dan Ariely’s article. It became a little long and I decided to post it here. The original article is: How to Stop Illegal Downloads   That’s a great article, but I think there might be a line missing there. If the transgression is against some obviously reasonable

A comment on Dan Ariely: illegal downloads, doping and how the transgressor represents himself Read More »

Post meet reality – part 1: respiratory infection

Not the first, not the last. The massive immunological stress a competition generates is not exactly new to science or to sports specialists. Powerlifting is somewhat extreme in this sense. I just read Howard Penrose’s article about his flu and I bet many of us were/are exactly in the same condition. What I didn’t know

Post meet reality – part 1: respiratory infection Read More »

Campeonato mundial de powerlifting WPC 2012 – vencer com estratégia, novidade

Aqui eu começo os relatos, os quais depois voltam ao início da viagem. São 6 da manhã do dia seguinte da minha competição. Meu terceiro dia na competição em si. Começo pelo item de interesse imediato dos leitores: a minha performance. Sim, eu venci o campeonato. Sim, quebrei dois recordes: supino e total. Foi bom?

Campeonato mundial de powerlifting WPC 2012 – vencer com estratégia, novidade Read More »

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