performance @pt-br

Are elastic therapeutic bands actually effective or just another fad?

Many physicians are skeptical as to the alleged effect of elastic therapeutic tapes on injury treatment or athletic performance. The scientific literature supports both skepticism and effectiveness, suggesting a condition of technical and scientific controversy many new treatments go through.

Are elastic therapeutic bands actually effective or just another fad? Read More »

Bandas elásticas terapêuticas: eficientes ou só mais uma moda?

Many physicians are skeptical as to the alleged effect of elastic therapeutic tapes on injury treatment or athletic performance. The scientific literature supports both skepticism and effectiveness, suggesting a condition of technical and scientific controversy many new treatments go through.

Bandas elásticas terapêuticas: eficientes ou só mais uma moda? Read More »

226lbs bench press @129lbs Sunday = I’m alive and lifting, unlike previously predicted

That was the WPC National Bench Press Championship, held this Sunday, April the 20th. The date had a bag full of meanings to me: it would be the first “real” competition I would take part in Brazil. Before that I lifted with the older federation, where, in this part of the world, many weird things

226lbs bench press @129lbs Sunday = I’m alive and lifting, unlike previously predicted Read More »

Correntes, elásticos, barras instáveis: a estabilidade é a mãe da força – por que fazer o curso de powerlifting nível 3 (equipamentos)

Quando estamos próximos da execução de um movimento voluntário máximo, o sucesso ou fracasso quase sempre são determinados pela eficiência do mesmo. Eficiência nos movimentos tem sido abordada principalmente do ponto de vista da economia energética. No entanto, sabemos que a eficiência de um gesto está relacionada à proporção ótima de ativação das cadeias musculares

Correntes, elásticos, barras instáveis: a estabilidade é a mãe da força – por que fazer o curso de powerlifting nível 3 (equipamentos) Read More »

Por que treinar pegada e por que um curso sobre pegada

A pegada humana foi e continua sendo um grande objeto de estudo e controvérsia científica. Única entre todos os animais, a pegada com polegares opositores foi uma revolução evolutiva que até hoje desafia paleontólogos, anatomistas e antropólogos a interpreta-la. O fato é que a pegada humana, que envolve principalmente as mãos, mas também o antebraço

Por que treinar pegada e por que um curso sobre pegada Read More »

Pronated and alternate grip for the deadlift

I believe it is a consensus that training the pronated grip for the deadlift will improve both grip strength and the deadlift itself. As Altug Dural described his protocol (the 1-2-3 ladder), I became curious and started to ask around about people’s pronated grip deadlift PR. Most people don’t know and never tried to measure

Pronated and alternate grip for the deadlift Read More »

On the role of supra-maximal loads in powerlifting

(of the series “random thoughts after training”) Supra-maximal loads are important in the three lifts. Whether it is lockout or just isometrically holding the bar with the said load, it transfers back to performance of the full movement. Why? There is not a single scientific explanation for that – not one experiment or statistical analysis

On the role of supra-maximal loads in powerlifting Read More »

The little things and the big things: the hand break and the three digit kilo squat

It has been 69 days since I was released from the hospital with the prediction that I would never lift again and prescriptions to wear a rigid corset for six months, in total immobilization, no bending of the torso and obviously no lifting or exercising at all. As is well known, I benched 5 days

The little things and the big things: the hand break and the three digit kilo squat Read More »

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