
Spreading the Iron Gospel – part 1

Like in any other sport or skilled activity, learning powerlifting involves certain stages. Sports learning is generally understood as a three stage process:  the cognitive, associative and autonomous stages. The cognitive stage is where the individual recognizes the basic components of a certain skill or motor task. He must form a visual image of each […]

Spreading the Iron Gospel – part 1 Read More »

Questions from readers: cardio before, after or never?

Peter (not real name) asked me a long question concerning cardio workouts and strength training. He claims to be seriously interested in strength. First of all, we need to know what you understand by “cardio workout”. Is it a walk on the park, jogging for 45 minutes in the treadmill, a “Fran” WOD ? The

Questions from readers: cardio before, after or never? Read More »

I was told I should I train each body part once a week (FAQs)

Kevin (not real name) wrote me because he was confused. He follows some powerlifters, such as myself, but his training buddies told him he needed to train each body part, or even worse, each muscle, once a week in order to have “results”. This is my reply: Kevin, your friends were taught or self-taught in

I was told I should I train each body part once a week (FAQs) Read More »

Que modelo descreve a curva de supercompensação de força?

(resposta à pergunta feita por um seguidor)   Não existe esse modelo (exitem “mathematical models for strength training”, um monte) que descreva as curvas específicas de supercompensação porque, como eu disse, metodologicamente é IMPOSSÍVEL. Do ponto de vista científico, não dá, pois a variação inter-individual, entre levantamentos, entre fases de treinamento do MESMO atleta, é

Que modelo descreve a curva de supercompensação de força? Read More »

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