high performance @en

The 5th Set for Powerlifting: a breakthrough in training system design

The 5th Set is a training system for the sport of powerlifting. That includes a periodization model, a system for routine composition, procedural guidelines to transition from and to different phases within a mesocycle or between mesocycles, and very precise instructions concerning execution. It certainly can be used by people who wish to get strong […]

The 5th Set for Powerlifting: a breakthrough in training system design Read More »

Why do I have to make weight? Understanding relative strength and the nature of competition in sport.

  Making weight, in addition to being one of the most difficult aspects of sport, is often the most misunderstood. Widely criticized by both those who practice and those who watch any sport divided in bodyweight classes, making weight and cutting weight are often depicted as cheating or as reckless and risky behavior. Several academic

Why do I have to make weight? Understanding relative strength and the nature of competition in sport. Read More »

Using weightlifting to improve powerlifting

Eric Brown (@oracleofihop) and Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) Few lifts have the complexity – and generate the controversy – as the snatch and clean. Included in the Olympics since 1896, they have been the basis for many strength and conditioning programs at both the collegiate and professional levels. The quick lifts have any number of benefits

Using weightlifting to improve powerlifting Read More »

Swede Cory Burns explains knee-wrap carry-over and gives advice to Hugo Quinteiro

This is the copy of the correspondence between myself and Swede Cory Burns concerning Hugo Quinteiro’s wrapped squats, where we were having difficulty. Since this problem might affect  more lifters and Swede’s advice and explanations incredibly detailed and precise, I am sharing the content as authorized by him. I reached out to Swede because I

Swede Cory Burns explains knee-wrap carry-over and gives advice to Hugo Quinteiro Read More »

The tragedy of lipservice trans-disciplinarity: writing about sports without having ever been there

By: Marilia Coutinho (@marilia_coutinho) and Eric Brown (@oracleofihop)   A few weeks ago, the two of us were discussing a topic related to fitness management, with implications to marketing and sales: client retention and untapped reserve. Let’s take a look at the physical structure of most conventional gyms: there is a strip of “cardio machines”,

The tragedy of lipservice trans-disciplinarity: writing about sports without having ever been there Read More »

Random Sunday: peeing, stress and performance – when you can’t go

More thoughts on the recent conference experience (the Arnold’s conference in Rio, Brazil). This time, about peeing. Hugo Quinteiro and I talked and we decided there is a very small higher limit to the number of conferences we can accept to speak at each year. They will be chosen according to priority. It is more

Random Sunday: peeing, stress and performance – when you can’t go Read More »

Powerlifting as a tool in the inner war against drugs

I want to start with two revelations that will certainly drive more than a few readers away: I am not against the use of recreational drugs for any moral reason. In fact, in a completely rational manner, I defend the gradual legalization (and regulation) of production, industrialization and commercialization of drugs as the only possible

Powerlifting as a tool in the inner war against drugs Read More »

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter

“So I broke this yoke record, which is not meant to stay, but to be broken again”. Thus spoke Marcos Ferrari, the highest ranked strongman in Brazil. Today. Just for today, and he knows it. Even at a young age, he knows all athletic accomplishments are the best for a short period of time. Sometimes

Legacy – about Marcos Ferrari, the Brazilian strongman and powerlifter Read More »

The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you

There´s a controversy that won’t go away that easy: what improves your deaflift more? Increasing or decreasing frequency? Until a few years back, we had few advocates of the higher (highER, not high) frequency deadlift. Today, however, a couple of good coaches recommend higher frequency pulling. Three weeks ago, one of my lifters had a

The deadlift: train more or train less? Three suggestions that may work for you Read More »

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