
A note to sponsored property and sponsoring companies

* sponsored property: athletes, coaches, events, etc * sponsoring companies: companies that acquire sponsoring rights to a property through a contract with the “rights holder”. I am especially addressing the small, almost amateur companies who can’t even afford a marketing department Companies: you really need to learn the difference between sponsored property, salesperson, rightsholder and […]

A note to sponsored property and sponsoring companies Read More »

Into the mind of the coach: Lord Elliott

(“Into the mind of the coach” project – all the interview links) Please tell us something about yourself: where and when were you born and places you lived. Where do you live now? Many people are always intrigued by my name or what it stands for. I get a balance of good reactions and bad

Into the mind of the coach: Lord Elliott Read More »

Random Sunday: the demiurge, fate, challenges and choices

Sometimes I have the impression that some demiurge distributes a fixed amount of existential experience among humans, at any given point. The great majority can’t and won’t handle the minimum. So a few will live for many. Some lives are like the sum of thousands of lives in existential experience – for the good and

Random Sunday: the demiurge, fate, challenges and choices Read More »

Into the mind of the coach: Jay Ashman

(“Into the mind of the coach” project – all the interview links) Please tell us something about yourself: where and when were you born and places you lived. Where do you live now? I was born in Reading, PA and moved around quite a bit for career and personal reasons. I spent a lot of

Into the mind of the coach: Jay Ashman Read More »

Nutrição esportiva baseada em evidência

Acabamos de criar este grupo porque avaliamos que existe um vácuo neste campo, bem como em tantos outros relacionados às ciências do esporte. Em relação à nutrição esportiva em geral e especificamente no Brasil, observamos o seguinte: É um campo em formação, recente, onde entre o “market pull” e a “science push”, o primeiro é

Nutrição esportiva baseada em evidência Read More »

Ten social media hints for non-celebrities

As said before, you need to know why you are there, “there” meaning a specific social media, “why” meaning your detailed objectives. It is ok and even healthy to have your friends as “media friends” (the term “contact” is better), but if your chief purpose is professional, then your selection of contacts must reflect that.

Ten social media hints for non-celebrities Read More »

Into the mind of the coach: Eric Grogin

(“Into the mind of the coach” project – all the interview links) Please tell us something about yourself: where and when were you born and places you lived. Where do you live now? I was born in Tarzana California. I moved when I was three years old to Ridgewood New Jersey, I lived there until

Into the mind of the coach: Eric Grogin Read More »

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