mental health @en

Suicide awareness campaigns

Awareness campaigns in general in social media. They became popular once social media political initiatives were scientifically shown to be highly influential (The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, the Public Sphere, and Political Change ). That’s unquestionable. However, here we are talking about organized virality orchestrated by an interest group (frequently a political […]

Suicide awareness campaigns Read More »

Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion (part 1 – EliteFTS series)

This is a series written for EliteFTS: Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion (part 1 – EliteFTS series) Peter heard his name and the bar was loaded for his first snatch. Up to one or two years ago, the minutes before he hook-gripped the bar were full of a deafening silence

Why Do You Lift — Meaning, Identity, Hope and Passion (part 1 – EliteFTS series) Read More »

Some safety guidelines for female athletes in social media

Don’t accept friend requests from people hiding behind a nickname. Those who use a nickname but do have a name usually identify themselves as, for example “David “The Terminator” McCarthy”. Someone who is just “The Hulk”, or “I’m Fucking Awesome” may be hiding something and you might not want him in your friends list. He’s

Some safety guidelines for female athletes in social media Read More »

Some myths and misconceptions that need to be confronted: bullying, suicide and obesity

“Bullying is ok because it is natural. Kids just have to develop coping mechanisms and learn to toughen up” – Actually, medical evidence shows that bullying results, in an important percentage of cases, in permanent and severe PTSD. The neuro-physiological effects of chronic life-stressors, especially abuse in early childhood, are being increasingly studied and revealed.

Some myths and misconceptions that need to be confronted: bullying, suicide and obesity Read More »

Recovery from Chaos 1: on the nature of the beast and facing it

“Recovery from Chaos” is a series that I am doing basically through short video posts on my Instagram/Facebook page. I shared it here, on my wall, so that you have an idea what it is. I took this small project after having to give up the meet preparation I was doing: too injured, too chaotic,

Recovery from Chaos 1: on the nature of the beast and facing it Read More »

Translated interviews and mainstream media stories series: Lifter controls bipolar disorder

BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION: I have been translating (from Portuguese) some of the interviews and stories written about me in the past five years, as well as producing summaries about the videos recorded with some longer interviews. These translations were a requirement for a professional project. It has been hard work. Most of the original

Translated interviews and mainstream media stories series: Lifter controls bipolar disorder Read More »

Translated interviews and mainstream media stories series: “She’s got the strength”

BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION: I have been translating (from Portuguese) some of the interviews and stories written about me in the past five years, as well as producing summaries about the videos recorded with some longer interviews. These translations were a requirement for a professional project. It has been hard work. Most of the original

Translated interviews and mainstream media stories series: “She’s got the strength” Read More »

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