
The first attempt (things I’ve been learning while teaching)

Sometimes I really feel stupid to give advice on how to improve something – say, your deadlift – when everybody, plus myself, has already written extensively on it. How many different ways are there to tell someone they need to keep spine neutrality during the deadlift? Or that you need to avoid early/ asynchronous hip

The first attempt (things I’ve been learning while teaching) Read More »

Learning to simplify things – on non-sanctioned meets in Brazil

I’ve recently fully assumed the presidency of our local powerlifting organization, the “Aliança Nacional da Força” (National Strength Alliance). When I say “fully”, I mean that I already was nominally the president but had different agreements with other members concerning the actual control I would exert. The organization was created in 2009 and we had

Learning to simplify things – on non-sanctioned meets in Brazil Read More »

Anderson Silva X Entertainment Industry: the sport loses

I believe we just watched another illustration of the perversions that the entertainment industry can do to the sports. Most readers will have a hard time making sense of this claim: you were all born under this industry’s domain. As every social institution or phenomenon, though, this association has a history. Today, most popular and/or

Anderson Silva X Entertainment Industry: the sport loses Read More »

Sports and feminism – no proselytism, just some clarification

“But you don’t hate guys, do you?” “you’re not a radical, are you?” These are things that I hear from friends that are more or less (some more, some less, but all a little bit) weary of my involvement with feminism. How can someone like me, meaning an athlete, a cis-heterosexual woman, supposedly uninterested in

Sports and feminism – no proselytism, just some clarification Read More »

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