Chess in lifestyle (guest post)

By George Harrolds

Cover image: By Ricardo630 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

How many chess sets do you have in your home? If you’re one of the many people who has chosen to embrace chess as part of your lifestyle, you have no doubt already moved beyond the decision to learn to play chess and are ready to incorporate chess into your daily routine and life as much as possible. There are many benefits to buying chess sets and deciding to learn to play chess; let’s take a closer look at why choosing to incorporate chess into your lifestyle will benefit you for years to come.

Benefit #1: Chess brings you together with other people

Socialization is important for mental development and health—and it’s just plain fun! Playing chess will help you get together with other people, make new friends, and meet others from all walks of life. This is true whether you are simply playing chess for fun and set up games with local players or you decide to take your love of chess to another level and participate in competitions. Before long, you’ll even notice your social skills improving!

Benefit #2: Chess will improve your memory

When you break out the chess sets and play chess, you are actually doing your part in helping improve your memory and even reducing the risk of developing certain memory loss disorders later on in your life. Chess requires a lot of brain power, and it’s believed that this increased concentration and reliance on memory while playing chess is part of what helps chess boost your memory strength and reduce the chances for memory loss.

Benefit #3: Chess is a great way to relax and unwind

Life can be stressful! When you incorporate chess into your lifestyle, you are incorporating a great way to reduce stress, relax and generally unwind after a busy day. Playing chess regularly will help you feel more relaxed overall and it can even help you find a great outlet for your frustrations. Being less stressed and more relaxed has a host of physical and mental benefits, so chess will actually be improving your health in this respect.

Benefit #4: Chess is a fun hobby

When chess is part of your lifestyle, you’ll begin to notice that there is no “one size fits all” attitude when it comes to chess. There are many ways to place chess, including different types of chess (such as 3 person chess) as well as many different types of chess strategies. You’ll also notice that there are countless chess sets out there, ranging from classic Staunton-style sets to historically inspired sets all the way to novelty sets that have pieces inspired by favorite films and TV shows. It can be great fun different set, making chess a great hobby to have in your life.

Final Thoughts

Bringing chess into your lifestyle is a great way to improve your life in more ways than one. Chess is a great way to meet people, maintain a fun hobby, improve your memory and generally make your life happier, healthier and more enjoyable all around. 

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